Hello and welcome to Mission Mama Milk.
This page is going to have two "author's", two women from different sides of the mission, united in that mission and the education around the mission.
I am Kim. I am a wife, mother and in relation to this blog, a milk donor. I never thought I’d call myself a writer. I am not going to pretend I am a writer but instead I will share, perhaps random, thoughts and messages about milk sharing because I enjoy sharing and educating and think this topic needs some attention.
I never set out to be a milk donor. It just happened one day. On that day a friend found out she needed to supplement her baby, who was just days younger than my youngest baby, who was just days, barely weeks, old himself and asked me "Where can I get milk?". I simply said, "I have milk" and began to pump for her and her baby that evening. Interesting first thought; She never said breast, I never heard breast. But yet, I knew what she meant. Several hours later this mama and another friend of ours appeared at my door to pick up the milk I had pumped that evening. I thought that night that this was just a little bump in the road and I would pump for a couple days to help this mama and baby and they would be on their way with breastfeeding on track. We are now a few months down the road and I am pumping still.
This blog will discuss the mission until now and continue along with us from this point forward. Our goals are numerous; to get milk from me to this mama, to discuss why this is the preferred feeding choice of these parents, why I donate, to promote milk sharing and provide education about milk sharing.
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